Make a killing
a very high paying business
Iced coffee charge more than hot coffee.
lumps of ice,
Undiluted solution of coffee beans wait brewed coffee to cool and put it in
a refrigerator pour it on ice cubes.
Make a killing,
a very high paying business.
Make hardly any more profit,
cost more than making regular coffee,
require about twice the amount of concentrated coffee than normal hot coffee,
Take into account the watering down due to melting ice cubes.
Keep the integrity of flavor, more expensive clear plastic cup, cost as much as the paper cup.
Rent an ice machine.
Cost a fair bit of money,
drink it through a straw.
Shoulder the extra cost, there is more to it, additional expense.
In a bid to wipe down the condensation on the surface of cold plastic cup,
Take away a handful of napkins.
For a coffee shop to thrive,
include personnel expense,
keep the cost of goods around 40 percent of menu price.